I’m a pastor’s daughter from Frankfort, Indiana. Most days find me in a classroom with students in Kindergarten through fourth grade. While I have my masters in teaching reading and literacy, I really just love words. I love watching the world of words open up to five-year-olds and I love hearing the stories of how these words I string together have made a difference in your life.
While I’ve written on this blog for eight years, I’ve recently shifted to writing on Substack. You can subscribe to my weekly newsletter Ampersand: a conjunction of deep doubts & settled faith here.
This month marks 10 years since I went into the studio and started recording. From that first album Cri de Cœur - a tale of prayers now past, the heart of my writing has walked along this delicate balance between deep doubts and settled faith. Perhaps these last few years I’ve walked that tightrope in a deeper sense than I can voice here, but my position remains the same. I identify with the Thomases and the John the Baptists and the Marys and Marthas with their questions and confusion, but the bedrock of my faith hasn’t shifted.
That’s why I’ve chosen “Ampersand” as the name for this little publication. (Ampersand is the actual word for “&” — it used to be the 27th letter of the alphabet. Once upon a time children actually sang, “Q, R, X, Y, Ampersand, Z”. True story. Take it from a reading specialist). The name “Ampersand” isn’t meant to be nerdy — merely an acknowledgment of the precipice we all walk along. “We walk by faith,” but it’s often difficult to keep walking in the face of what we see. We can sit with deep doubts & have a settled faith. That’s where I’m living and I’m so glad to have you along.