Dear Readers,

Some of you have noticed that I haven’t written for awhile. The better way of saying this is to clarify that I haven’t “published” in awhile. I write every day, but most of what I write doesn’t make it past the confines of my journal.

I just want to say a couple of things:

First, to readers walking through dark places — I know some of your stories and I’m fully aware that my words are insufficient. This often gets in the way of my writing. I know real-life stuff people are walking through and I find it impossible to match the depth of your stories with the shallowness of my words.

Second, thank you. Thank you for listening and sharing what you hear with others. Thank you for letting me know you’re sharing. I’m humbled by some of the responses I’ve received recently and can only pray that anything I’ve written or shared can reach into some place in hurting hearts and pour oil.

For those of you who haven’t listened or maybe haven’t listened in awhile, I just received this note from a listener today (commenting on These Saints) and thought it might be a perspective someone needed to hear:

“…What stuck out to me as I’m listening lately is how distinct and creative it is. Many of the songs (maybe most?) Don’t really sound like anything else. They have a mature perspective that feels like it’s someone trying to just share the truth they have found, not trying to make you like them…”

So I can’t say I have any special truth to share, except for this simple verse that I’ve returned to for many months. Maybe someone needs reminded of it today:

“He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart;” (Isaiah 40:11, NIV).

I’m grateful to be His and known by Him and carried close to His heart.

Though He giveth or He taketh,
God His children ne’er forsaketh.
His the loving purpose solely
To preserve them pure and holy.

— Carolina Sandell, translated by Ernst Olson

Sometimes that preserving and holding close and keeping is painful as He pulls us away from what we love the most. Let us not forget Who is preserving us, and that He preserves us for Himself.

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P. S. In other news — I started grad school this week, I’m teaching a couple of 1st and 2nd grade students, and have a full load of music students I’m teaching each week. People are always asking me if I’m writing songs. The answer is “yes.” I’m writing songs, just not finishing them. I have several seeds planted. Hoping they’ll take root.

Merilee Barnard6 Comments