He Is Pure


1) If it pleases Him to bruise me
If He desires to make me trust
If His motive is to break me
And to turn my dreams to dust
If He longs to withhold from me
That which I love most
To take away from my prideful heart
The reason why I boast

Ch. 1) I know that He is pure
And His ways, past finding out
If He's satisfied to wound me
Who am I to doubt?
If He strips me of my glory
Which was His all along
If He robs me of all happiness
And takes away my song
All that He'll expect
All He requires
Is a heart that trusts His heart
And hopes in His desires

2) If our ambition is to please Him
If our desire is His smile
If we long for His approval
Like a father with a child
We would trust Him in each chastening
And believe that He knew best
We would hope in the refining
In His afflicting we'd find rest

Ch. 2) And still believe that He is pure
And His ways, past finding out
If He's satisfied to wound me
Who am I to doubt?
If He strips me of my glory
Which was His all along
If He robs me of all happiness
And takes away my song
All that He'll expect
All He requires
Is a heart that trusts His heart
And hopes in His desires

What if the tears that I cry
Have become my Father's delight?
What if my sorrow
Brings him joy?

Lyrics and music by Merilee J. Barnard © November 24, 2013

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