Out of His Goodness
This song's beginning came while reading A. W. Tozer's book The Root of the Righteous (I believe it was this book; I read 16 or 17 of Tozer's book the year I wrote this song, so I'm not positive). He quotes the English Mystic, Julian of Norwich, as she gave a long list of things that come to us "out of His goodness." Immediately, I wanted to write a song which reflected a diverse range of things that come to us from God's hand: "a verse about happy things and a verse about sad things," was the simple note I wrote in the idea I logged.
1) We don’t even think about it
It’s just a part of our daily routine
Showered upon us
Blessing after blessing
Our iniquities forgiven
And our diseases healed
Our life redeemed from destruction
Our mouths are filled
Ch. 1) Out of Your goodness
Somehow You’ve seen fit
Out of Your goodness
We receive these benefits
You have not dealt with us after our sins
But instead we are blessed
You’ve showed us such mercy
Out of your goodness
2) And sometimes we think about it
When it stops our daily routine
Heartache that crushes us
We don’t think it as a blessing
When tears fall and hearts break
Storms rise and our world shakes
We think this has passed you by
Maybe you’ve made a mistake
Ch. 2) But it's out of your goodness
Somehow you’ve seen fit
To extend your hands
Full of these good gifts
You have not dealt with us after our sins
But instead we are blessed
You’ve showed us such mercy
Out of your goodness
Bridge) As a father pities his children
So the Lord pities those that fear him
He remembers our frame
And knows that we are dust
He knows what will make us better
He knows what will refine us
Lyrics & music by Merilee Barnard © July 26, 2012